We Love Harrison

Harrison is a very very cool individual

This is Harrison.  Every Morning, this child will wake up, and the World itself will begin its day. Prime bottles fall off the trees waiting to be harvested by farmers, and given to Harrison as his daily source of substinance.  Harrison will then, when the coast is clear, proceed to reck all of the other kids in "Create a Kart Ride!" the wonderful game for children on roblox.  When he is bored of being Roblox god he will drive around in a never recognizable pattern on the road, never quite driving badly but never quite driving good either. Harrison also loves to spend his time terrorizing small animals and bags of chips to satisfy his lust for blood and barbaque.  All in all, Harrison is a cryptid that you should feel very exited to be able to see, as he IS real... unlike BigFoot. The next time you think you have seen a Harrison wandering around, dont be afraid to ask to take a picture with him, or offer him a Prime peace offering.                                

 - The other Harrison

Harrison form (Responses)